As the James Bond movie goes “The World is not Enough”, the world is indeed getting smaller and smaller by the day and nearly becoming too overcrowded to be inhabited comfortably by humans.
Based on the most recent estimates, the world is inhabited by approximately 6.77 billion people. With the rate the population of the world is growing, some say it will eventually explode. Consequently, there are serious efforts to explore other options living on other planets.
With this population talk, have you ever wondered what countries are the most populated? Let’s see…
10. Japan

9. Russia

8. Bangladesh

Sitting closely in the eighth spot is Bangladesh, with an estimated population of 148,692,000 people. Bangladesh is considered as the eleventh most densely populated country in the world. Statistics say that as compared to China, Bangladesh is composed of 7 people per square kilometer, and as compared to India that has an average 0f 3 people per square kilometer.
Bangladesh is a very young country, where 60% of its population has an age range of 25 years old and younger and a life expectancy of approx 63 years old.
7. Nigeria

The current population of Nigeria is 158,423,000 and is said to annually grow at the rate of 2.6%. By doing the math, the country would double its population every 27 years!
6. Pakistan

5. Brazil

According to 2010 information, Brazil ranks fifth among the ten most populated countries in the world, garnering a total population of 194,946,000. One of the major cities of Brazil is Sao Paolo, which is also placed among the ten most overcrowded cities in the world. As a matter of fact, the capital city of Brazil is recorded to house about 11.3 million inhabitants.
4. Indonesia

3. United States

One of the big three of our list and conquering the third place is the United States of America (or simply the USA). With a total head count of 310,384,000, the US remain to be way behind our top two. Among the many states of the country, California ranks as the most populated state – housing a total number of 37.7 million inhabitants; with Texas ranking second with 25.7 million. It also has the one of the most populated cities in the world, New York, with a head count of 8.2 million.
2. India

India ranks at second place with 1,224,614 inhabitants. Lately, India has had a slower growth rate but its growth rate remained higher than that of its number one contender, China. As forecasted by the UN, India is expected to exceed China by year 2028.
Proving that she is rightfully at second place, India has the three cities that form three of the top ten most populated cities in the world – Mumbai, New Delhi and Kolkata.
1. China

The capital of China is Beijing, but the largest city of the country is Shanghai, which also made in to the top ten most inhabited cities in the world!
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