Australian Camping: 5 Must-know Tips For Beach Camping

Australian Camping: 5 Must-Know Tips for Beach Camping

Australia – with over 35,000 kilometres of wanderlust coastline, there’s no better place for a beachside holiday than Australia. Having a wide range of holiday accommodation that varies from luxurious beach caravan parks overlooking the water to a family-friendly, budget campsites, there’s always something for everyone. Have you ever dream of going to the beach for camping?

Picture yourself laying under the stars, bare from everything and only our tent protecting you from the outside. Imagine yourself sitting on the sand and looking on the tranquil waters or something better than waking up in front of the most beautiful beach sunrise.

Below are five must-know tips if you are planning to go on beach camping in Australia.

1. Pack Your Sunscreen

Is there anything worse than forgetting your sunscreen when going to the beach? A camp on the coastline can be great, and all but you won’t be able to hide from the sun’s intense ray at midday. You can always look for shades from trees, but you’ll be further from the waters.

Avoid getting yourself burnt – tan lines are fine but getting an extreme sunburn will ruin your holiday. Preparing adequate sunscreen will always be handy, while you’re at it, pack one or two wide-brimmed hats.

2. Bring the Right Supplies

Beach camping is fun and all until you get complaints about having sand all over your tent. A brush could be handy in removing sand; especially when you are about to sleep.

Also, don’t forget a sweater and blanket; the outdoors can get really cold especially during the night.

3. Check the Tides First

When you go setting up near the ocean, there are multiple times when the waves can go as high as your tent. This situation can put a damper on any beach camping trip. Never forget on checking the tides first.

Get yourself familiar with the area before pitching your tent. Who would want their belongings to be washed away while they’re sleeping?

4. Pack a Sun Shelter

Nobody likes eating food under the roasting sun. Be ready with your sun shelter; providing your group with some shades is nice. A waterproof one is also perfect, so you can still use it even if it’s raining. It can also be used as a refuge from those annoying insects.

Furthermore, it’s an ideal place for social areas; being story telling, card games, or just nap times. You don’t have to worry since most of the sun shelters for sale are tall and spacious. The expensive ones even come with a removable screen wall.

5. Take Your Trash With You

Help protect the nature’s beauty and be a responsible traveller. Never forget to put your trash in a garbage can. Be mindful of your environment and avoid bringing bottles and cans, as these are more of a hassle to transport.

Everyone should be aware of where they put their trash. Consider bringing a trash bag with you – just in case the beach doesn’t have any. At the end of your trip, take all of your trash with you.


There you go, you can now have that awesome Beach camping trip. Keep these tips in mind and get the most of your beach camping trip. Have fun and make memories that’ll last a lifetime!

About the author

Michael Jones

Michael created and runs the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel, Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

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